Robots inspire youth at BH Futures Foundation Academy

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Nas glavni govornik na trecoj akademiji u Tuzli je bila Maja Hadžiselimović na temu Uvod u robotiku Maja Hadžiselimović  članica Upravnog odbora Fondacije je priču započela kratkim osvrtom na to ko je, odakle i kako je svoje zvanično obrazovanje koje je stekla u domovini, ali i širom svijeta usmjerila ne samo u lični razvoj, nego i u razvoj svoje zajednice.

Strast i posvećenost koja se osjetila već u prvim rečenicama učesnicima je bila dovoljna da shvate zašto je baš Maja prava osoba da govori o nečemu za šta se vjeruje da je još uvijek apstraktno i daleko, ali je istovremeno i nešto što upravo doživljava ekspanzivan razvoj u Bosni I Hercegovini. Govorila je o razlozima zbog kojih je radila i volontirala širom svijeta. Maja je istakla značaj rada sa mladima, pričala o tome kako ju je izgradilo volontiranje u Kini, ali i poslovi i prakse koje je obavljala u velikim kompanijama kao što su  German bionic, MRK System GMBH, Audi, BMW, Porshe. Istakla je značaj promovisanja robotike među srednjoškolcima, posebno kada je riječ o djevojčicama:

  „Kada mladi dođu do momenta u kojem razmišljaju o budućnosti, želim da na sekund razmisle o tome da li bi mogli biti inženjeri robotike. Kroz rad sa mladima došla sam do zaključka da su u osnovnima školama djevojčice mnogo aktivnije, dok već u srednjim školama taj omjer se mijenja i dječaci postaju  dominantni. Osjećam odgovornost i imam potrebu da upravo zbog toga ohrabrujem i podstičem djevojčice da budu aktivnije, hrabrije, da grabe prilike. „

U nastavku prezentacije Maja je dala savjete učesnicima kako da dobiju stipendiju, da se ne plaše aplicirati na više mjesta i da strah od neuspjeha nikako ne smije da bude nešto što nam stoji na putu. 

Govorila je o radionicama o Arduino-u i tome kako su inženjeski dijelovi i softver zapravo povezani. Najveću sreću je osjetila kada je shvatila da je proizvod tih radionica bilo nešto što zaista radi.

“Budi promjena koju želiš vidjeti u svijetu.” I ona to svakako jeste.


Svoje predavanje Uvod u robotiku započela je kratkim osvrtom na robote tokom istorije i načine na koje su veliki umovi koristili vještine da izgrade robote. Prvi robot napravljen je za zabavu, a kasnije je došao i prvi industrijski robot 1961. godine. Analizom robota kroz historiju postavila je jedno interesantno pitanje koje je prisutne podstaklo na razmišljanje:

“Šta se toliko promijenilo pa se sada toliko plašimo robota?”

Došli smo do zaključka da je potencijalni uzrok toga što su roboti fizički sličniji ljudima, ljudi ih se više plaše. Upoznala nas je i sa savremenom robotikom kao i položajem robota danas. Podijelila je sa nama svoje iskustvo u Audi-ju gdje se prvi put susrela sa masovnom proizvodnjom u koju su uključeni roboti i dodala da iz njene perspektive “tako izgleda raj”.  Govorila je takođe i o važnosti kooperacije između ljudi i robota, posebno kada se radi o robotima koji se sve više koriste. Tu se ubrajaju i medicinski roboti koji rade zajedno sa doktorima, roboti koji se koriste za rad sa starijim osobama, kao i osobama sa posebnim potrebama. Kao pozitivan primjer razvoja robotike navela je Koreju koja prednjači.

Maja je izrazila nezadovoljstvo činjenicom da je prvi robot za čišćenje prezentovan davne 1997.godine i da se od tada nije nimalo promijenio.

” I dalje su isti roboti na podovima i rade iste stvari zadnjih 20 i više godina. Upravo zbog toga nam treba fleksibilnija industrijalizacija i promocija robotike. Roboti zaista mogu da sarađuju sa ljudima. Trenutno je najveći problem manjak inženjera robotike koji bi na tome aktivno radili. Ljudi moraju biti svjesni da je strah od toga da će roboti preuzeti svijet zaista neosnovan. Ljudi su stvorili robote, ljudi mogu i da ih unište. “



Our keynote speaker for the third and final academy of our Foundation in Tuzla was reserved for a focus on the Introduction to Robotics by a member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation, Maja Hadziselimovic. Maja began her story with a short overview of who she is, where she came from and how she directed her formal education which she completed in Bosnia & Herzegovina, but also Serbia and Slovenia. The passion and dedication that was felt in the first sentences was enough for the participants to understand why Maya is the perfect person to talk about something that is believed to be still abstract and distant for many in our country, but at the same time it is something that is experiencing huge development around the world. She talked about the reasons why she worked and volunteered around the world. Maja highlighted the importance of working with young people, talked about how volunteering in China changed her, as well as the jobs and practices that she performed in large companies such as German Bionic, MRK System GMBH, Audi, BMW, Porshe. She emphasized the importance of promoting robotics among high school students, especially when it comes to girls:

"When young people come to the point where they are thinking about the future, I want them to think for a second about whether they could be robotics engineers. Through working with young people, I came to the conclusion that girls in primary schools are much more active, while in middle schools this ratio is changing and boys become dominant.  That is precisely why I feel responsible with the need to encourage girls to be more active, courageous, to grab on to opportunities. "

In the second part of her presentation Maja gave advice to participants on how to get a scholarship, not to be afraid to apply to more places and that the fear of failure should in no way be something that stands in our way.
She spoke about Arduino workshops and how engineering parts and software are actually connected. She felt the greatest happiness when she realized that the product of these workshops was something that was actually working.
"Be the change that you want to see in the world." And she certainly is.

Her lecture “Introduction to Robotics” began with a brief overview of robots throughout history and the ways in which the great minds used their skills to build robots. The first robot was built for entertainment, and the first industrial robot came in 1961. By analysing robots through history, Maja raised one interesting question that made our students think:

"What has changed so much that we are so afraid of the robot now?"

We have come to the conclusion that the potential cause of the fear of robots comes from the physical similarity to humans, so people are more afraid of them. She introduced us to contemporary robotics as well as the role of robots today. She shared her experiences at Audi, where she first encountered mass production which involved robots and added that from her perspective "that was paradise". She also spoke about the importance of cooperation between people and robots, especially because of the fact that with time robots are being used more and more. This includes medical robots working together with doctors, robots that are used to work with older people, and people with special needs.  Maja emphasized Korea as a positive example of the development of robotics.

Maja expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the first robot for cleaning was presented in 1997 and has not changed since.

"They are still the same robots on the floors and they are doing the same thing for the past 20 years and more, and that's why we need more flexible industrialization and promotion of robotics." Robots can really work with people. "Currently, the biggest problem is the lack of robotics engineers to actively work in this field. People need to be aware that the fear of robots taking over the world is completely unfounded. “People have created robots, people can destroy them. "