5 stvari koje smo naučili na konferenciji “Potrebe privrednog sektora za tehnikom i inovatorstvom”

I ove godine smo bili ponosni partneri 3. naučno-stručne konferencije "Potrebe privrednog sektora za tehnikom i inovatorstvom", koja je održana 23.januara u Parlamentarnoj skupštini Bosne i Hercegovine. Bilo je govora o aktuelnim temama koje su jako bitne za razvoj, a u fokusu su bili automatizacija proizvodnje, digitalizacija, te pametni gradovi. Osim toga, tokom panela se posebno istaklo koliki je značaj inovatorstva i njegovo podsticanje od malih nogu, a stavljen je i veliki naglasak na motivaciju pojedinca ka izvrsnosti!

Učesnici ovogodišnje konferencije su bili i naši studenti iz Banja Luke i Tuzle, a imali su izuzetnu priliku da čuju od eksperata koliki je potencijal inovacija za razvoj naše zemlje. Upravo od naših studenata smo tražili da nam ukratko prenesu šta je to najbitnije što su čuli na ovoj konferenciji i šta će to ponijeti sa sobom dalje.


1. U ovoj državi postoje izvanredni akademski ljudi koji žele napredak!

"Često posjećujem konferencije, te sam prilično upućena u tematiku ove konferencije. Međutim, shvatila sam koliko je bitna konstantna prisutnost na ovakvim događajima. Prije svega da vas podsjete da i u ovoj državi postoje izvanredni akademski ljudi koji žele napredak. Pored toga, ovakvi događaji vas podsjete zašto radite na nekim projektima i daju vam dodatnu motivaciju da nastavite svoj rad. Ova konferencija je bila sjajna prilika za studente i mlade ljude da čuju stvari koje neće na predavanjima ili na svom svakodnevnom poslu. Na taj način se održava "iskra" da radimo na sebi i napretku ove države." riječi su naše Vildane Hrnjić, koja je bila dio tima iz Banja Luke.

2. Ovdje možete sve, isto kao i bilo gdje drugo u svijetu 

"Za uspješnu inovaciju i efikasno korištenje tehnologije je ključno da se počne od obrazovanja. Studenti prvenstveno, a i srednjoškolci, treba da što više budu u kontaktu s privredom bilo kroz razgovore i predavanja ili konkretno radno iskustvo u vidu prakse. Osim toga, jako su me motivirale riječi Adise Tufo, koja je rekla kako u BiH možete isto što i bilo gdje u svijetu, samo je bitna vaša motivacija i da je to ono na šta se trebamo fokusirati, da motivišemo sebe i težimo ka tome da budemo što bolji.“ su riječi našeg Damira Bajramovića, kojeg posebno moramo pohvaliti jer je organizovao dolazak naše delegacije iz Banja Luke.

3. Jedini problem može biti pogrešan fokus

Naš Andrej Perković, koji je takođe došao iz Banja Luke, je istakao: “Prva stvar koja me je uzdrmala jeste saznanje koliko su inžinjeri i tehnika danas zgurani u margine u našoj zemlji, u poređenju sa periodom prije 30ak i više godina, u doba Jugoslavije, što je jako loše. Druga stvar koju sam spoznao na ovoj konferenciji jeste da se inžinjeri, tehničari, profesori, a pogotovo preduzetnici, uprkos teškim uslovima u našoj zemlji za napredak, trude, idu dalje i skoro uopšte ne obaziru na poteškoće koliko na potencijalni rezultat koji bi mogli postići.  Bilo je divno biti na konferenciji o inžinjerstvu, organizovanoj od strane inžinjera za inžinjere (i nas “buduće inžinjere”). Shvatio sam da je jedini problem koji možeš imati zapravo pogrešan fokus, a sve ostalo su samo svakodnevne nedaće koje su sastavni dio života i kojih će uvijek biti.”

4. U BiH postoji aktivna potražnja za 6000 IT inžinjera

Ali Mokayes, takođe naš dugogodišnji član, navodi kako: “Imamo skoro sve potrebne resurse i uvjete da stvaramo prilike i gradimo perspektivu kombinovanjem tehnike i inovacija sa privredom. Dalje ostaje na nama, da li ćemo iskoristiti činjenicu da u državi imamo aktivnu potražnju za čak 6000 IT inžinjera (podatak od BIT Alijanse), činjenicu da se akademija i industrija sve vise fokusiraju na IT jer drugačije ne mogu napredovati i opstati.”

5. Potrebno je više dodira sa tehnologijom i inovacijom u obrazovanju

Haris Arnautović, takođe naš student iz Tuzle, je rekao: “Svijest o važnosti tehnolgije i inovacije je itekako prisutna kod individualaca u Bosni i Hercegovini, ali je sada na organizacijama i upravnim organima kako će se to implementirati u obrazovanje na državnom nivou. BH Futures Fondation radi intenzivno na povećanju svijesti o važnosti inovacije za napredak, kako pojedinca tako i države generalno, ali za veće uspjehe su nam potrebni novi partneri i još više aktivnih studenata.“


5 things we learned at the conference "Needs of the Economic Sector for Technology and Innovation"

This year we were proud partners of the 3rd Scientific-Expert Conference "The Needs of the Economic Sector for Technology and Innovation" that took place on 23 January in the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina. There was talk about current topics that are very important for development, and in the focus were automatization of production, digitization, and smart cities. In addition, the panel highlighted the importance of innovation and its encouragement from a young age, and placed great emphasis on the motivation of the individual towards excellence!

Participants of this year's conference were our students from Banja Luka and Tuzla, and they had the excellent opportunity to hear from experts how big the potential of innovations for the development of our country is. We had just asked our students to briefly tell us what's the most important thing they heard at this conference and what are they going to take away from this experience.

1.     There are outstanding academics in this country who want to make progress!

"I often visit conferences, and I'm very much acquainted with the topic of this conference, but I realized how important a constant presence on such events is. First of all, to be reminded that this country too possesses outstanding academic people who want progress. Besides that, events like these remind you why you are working on some projects and give you additional motivation to continue your work. This conference was a great opportunity for students and young people to hear things that they will not hear in lectures or in their everyday work. By attending events like these we keep up the "spark" in ourselves on and on the progress of this country. " words of our Vildana Hrnjic, who was part of the team from Banja Luka.

2.     You can do everything here, just like anywhere in the world

"For successful innovation and efficient use of technology, it is essential to start from education. Students primarily as well as high school students need to be more in touch with the economy either through talks and lectures or concrete work experience in the form of practice provided by the educational institutions of our country. I was extremely motivated by the words of Adisa Tufo, who said that in BiH you can do the same things like anywhere in the world, it is only your motivation that is important and that is what you need to focus on, motivating yourself and to strive to be as good as possible - the words of our Damir Bajramovic, whom we owe the gratitude for the organization of the arrival of our delegation from Banja Luka.

3.     The only problem can be a wrong focus

Our Andrej Perkovic, who also came from Banja Luka, pointed out: "The first thing that shook me is the realization how many engineers and technicians were pushed into the margins in our country today, compared to the period of 30 years ago or more in the era of Yugoslavia, which is very bad. The other thing I learned at this conference is that engineers, technicians, professors, and especially entrepreneurs, despite the difficult conditions for progress in our country, work hard, go further and almost do not bother with difficulties but focus on the potential result they could achieve. It was wonderful to be at a conference about engineering, organized by engineers for engineers (and us "future engineers"). I realized that the only problem that you can actually have is a wrong focus, and everything else is just everyday problems that are a normal part of life and always will always be."

4.     There is an active demand for 6000 IT engineers in BiH

Ali Mokayes, our long-time member, says: "We have almost all the resources and conditions necessary to create opportunities and build a prospective future by combining technology and innovation with the economy. The rest is on us, will we use the fact that in the country we have an active demand for as many as 6000 IT engineers (data from BIT Alliance), the fact that the academy and industry are increasingly focusing on IT, because otherwise they cannot progress and survive."

5.     More contact with technology and innovation in education is needed

Haris Arnautovic, also a student from Tuzla, said: "The awareness of the importance of technology and innovation is very much present in individuals in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but now it up to organizations and administrative bodies to implement this on the state level in education. BH Futures Foundation works intensively to raise awareness of the importance of innovation for progress, both individually on a state level, but for a greater impact, we need new partners and even more active students."