Ignite Incubation Acceleration
Eligibility High-school students only University students only Only by promotion from the Incubation program

The foundation is well connected and supported by HR experts. Expert help will be provided in understanding your strengths and weaknesses and creating your 1 year development plan (focus on personal, professional and leadership skills).


You are matched with an industry professional who provides 10 x 1 hour (minimum) career, technical and leadership mentoring matched to meet your needs. Our mentors come from some of the most highly regarded companies in the world and homeland.

The foundation hosts regular webinars with global leaders & experts in a variety of technical and non technical fields. The purpose of webinars is not only to learn new things but to network with some of the most prominent thinkers of our time. We also offer opportunities to our scholars to personally connect with webinar speakers. Webinars can be found here. Podcasts can be found here.

Up to 10 exclusive access workshops focusing on emotional intelligence, self-management and teamwork by world class experts

The foundation offers online courses for a variety of 3rd party platforms to our students, including Udemy, Coursera etc. The foundation also has its own platform where we offer specialised training to our students.

Leadership Program is based on teamwork and project implementation. We encourage our scholars to regularly work on projects. Each of our scholars is expected to be involved in at least 1 project at any given time. As such, the foundation provides students with supervision, advice and internal access to funding to support their project development.

The foundation organises several Academies annually. Academies are two/three day events that consist of workshops, industry visits, community engagement and networking events aimed at developing the professional skills of our scholars. They are exclusively organized by students for students. All travel, accommodation and other expenses are covered by the Foundation. The academies rotate between major cities in Bosnia & Herzegovina, ensuring that you learn, network and get to know your homeland better.

The foundation regularly provides opportunities of employment within and outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina through our vast industry and academia network. Students who demonstrate outstanding results and commitment are in the driving seat for these positions. To date our students have undertaken hundreds of internships all over the world.

Until now, we partnered with more than 50 educational institutions, organisations and companies domestic and international. Each of them has special opportunities that they offer and all of our scholars will be eligible to benefit from them. Gain access to a plethora of our partners and friends, with opportunities and insight to real world industry knowledge that will give you a cutting edge on the developing markets.

The foundation has vast industry/academic partners. Through this network we offer our scholars access to their technical and enterprise development workshops, seminars and other formats of professional development. The foundation covers all associated costs including travel.

The foundation offers scholarship recipients opportunities to grow their professional network and soft skills by providing volunteering opportunities within the organisation and beyond. You can find yourself hosting tech giants from silicon valley, or learning how to manage finances, projects, engaging with companies or running seminars, conferences, do peer-to-peer training, tutoring, buddy programs and much more.


Networking with peers and other scholars and mentors of the BH Futures Foundation through closed communication channels.

When big names in the industry and academia visit Bosnia & Herzegovina, our foundation reaches out and hosts them at our famous "Breakfast & Chat" sessions. Join incredible professionals and chat over breakfast. Meet the world's best and build a network that opens new opportunities.

The foundation organises an annual international conference under the banner of the IEEE for students & young professionals in Bosnia & Herzegovina. The congress has been organised since 2016 and brings together incredible international experts, allows students to network, make new friends, present project work and explore a different city every year. The registration, travel, accommodation and other costs are covered by the foundation.

Attend conferences, workshops and other professional development opportunities outside of Bosnia & Herzegovina. We understand the importance of cultural immersion and enable our students to travel abroad with a mission of knowledge transfer. Our scholars have travelled all over the world from Australia, USA, Turkey, South-East Asia and all over the EU. We organise student exchanges, professional visits, internships and major networking events that give our scholars a chance to see the world and bring home the knowledge.

Part of becoming a well rounded professional is your ability to understand the industry. We organise regular company visits, bridging the gap between your classroom experience and what happens in the real world. Our industry visits ensure that local industry and students better understand each other and how to recognise opportunities for mutual benefit.


The foundation has numerous executive board members who are seasoned entrepreneurs. We provide support for innovation and startup companies that our scholars are involved in. Support comes in the form of technical, business, marketing and legal, all free of charge. Every year we run a 3 month innovation & entrepreneurship course in collaboration with industry partners, IEEE & La Trobe University, Australia. BH Futures Foundation scholars get free access to the annual Innovation Nation program.


We understand that our scholars can have financial challenges and hardship during their studies. We provide limited financial support for extreme cases of hardship (written evidence is required). Furthermore, we have scholarships on offer with partner organisations that financially support students during their studies. We teach our students how to earn rather than provide them with gifts, making sure they are ready for any future challenge.

Through our partnerships we offer our scholars opportunities to apply for financial scholarships within three IT companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina that provide them with financial support and practical experience.

= Limited/By Invitation