Innovation Nation '21 Success Story

Roadmap: From an Innovation Nation idea to a successful business!

We present to you Ormarić.

Ormarić is the first peer-to-peer platform in BiH for buying and selling clothing that is built on developing a community of thrift and second-hand culture.

It’s a "green idea" in and of itself that promotes sustainability and opposes the fast fashion industry, one of the biggest polluters of the twenty-first century. You can find clothes that are being sold by someone who doesn't fit the size, doesn't like it, etc. Everyone and every style are welcome in the wardrobe.

They promote inclusivity, sustainability, and community development there.

Ormarić is a marketplace where users can easily, safely, and sustainably purchase and sell clothing, shoes, and fashion accessories.

For an inside glance, check out this commercial.

Project Roadmap:

  • The concept for Ormarić originated at Innovation Nation 2021.

  • They worked on the concept during Innovation Nation 2021. Later, with assistance from the IBU Startup Incubator, Startup Corner FH Campus Wien, Mozaik Foundation, and Startup Studio Sarajevo, the application was successfully published on February 1, 2023.

  • In 2021, they worked on IN’21 and came in third at the program's final presentation, earning 4,000 BAM in the process, which enabled them to continue the project

  • Through the program itself, elaboration ideas encompassed everything from market research and idea validation to finance, projections, business models, and plans for the next steps in 2022,

  • The team of 4 people expanded to a group of 5 when app developer Emir joined in 2022. During that year and a half, the development of the application itself was intense.

  • They attended the Start for Future program, offered by the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship in Munich, through which we had the opportunity to continue the project.

  • The development of the application itself, additional market research, and idea validation started in the middle of 2022.

  • The team knew the exact date everything would be ready at the beginning of 2023, at which point they conducted a marketing campaign, worked with influencers, contacted partners, set up further collaborations, etc.

  • Only 7 days after work began, Ormarić already has over 1.000 users, over 500 active users items, and many have already been used by many!

Team members that made Ormarić an incredible success:

BH Futures Foundation is incredibly proud of this team and to hear such amazing stories come out of our Innovation Nation program is a reminder of why we do what we do.

You can support Ormarić through app downaload as it’s available on Google Play and the App Store, and you can learn more at

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