Studenti BH Futures Fondacije dobitnici stipendije radne prakse njemačke privrede

Studenti BH Futures Fondacije dobitnici stipendije njemačke privrede

Činjenica je da su naši studenti jako aktivni u nauci i akademiji te stoga nerijetko imamo priliku čitati prelijepe priče o njihovim uspjesima i prestižima. Zadovoljstvo nam je ovaj put podijeliti informaciju da su naša tri studenta, Semir Salkić, Lejla Imširović i Nermin Đuzić, dobitnici ovogodišnje stipendije Njemačke privrede pod nazivom “Internship Programme of German Business”, koju organizira Fondacija “Zoran Đinđić”, a riječ je o programu stipendija za ljetnju praksu u Njemačkoj, a koji je namijenjen studentima zemalja zapadnog Balkana. Od ukupno 1220 aplikanata, naša dva studenta su izabrana među 75 mladih ljudi koji će imati priliku za stručno usavršavanje u periodu od 3 do 6 mjeseci počevši od jula ove godine.

Zoran Djindjic Semir & Nermin and Lejla.jpg

Njihov savjet za sve studente je da budu proaktivni i inkluzivni. Pored toga, upornost se uvijek isplati, te ako smo nekada primili odbijenicu, ne trebamo se obeshrabriti, već se potruditi da pridobijemo potrebne kvalitete i kriterije kako bismo ponovo mogli aplicirati.

Šta je najbitnije u pisanju takvih aplikacija?

Najbitnija stvar jesu vizija, snaga i cilj. Proces i krugovi selekcije traže pojedince koji su prije svega upoznali svoju ličnost i svoje okruženje. Od takvih kandidata se očekuje aktivno prenošenje znanja u matičnim zemljama. Selekcijski odbor traži od studenata sposobnost prezentiranja vlastitih želja, rada, uvjerenja i dugoročnih planova. Sve su to sastavni pokazatelji koji signaliziraju spremnost pojedinih kandidata.

Gdje idete i šta ćete raditi?

Trenutno smo u procesu pripreme dokumenata za kompanije. Nakon što fondacija izabere kandidate onda kompanije biraju odgovarajuće studente za praksu koji odgovaraju profilu koji oni traže. Semir Salkić je odabrao IoT industriju, dok s druge strane Nermin Đuzić planira svoje znanje proširiti u oblasti bioinformatike i nada se da će možda upravo ono što odradi tamo za par mjeseci moći upotrijebiti u pisanju svoje Master Teze.

Nešto za fondaciju?

Studenti ističu da je BH Futures Fondacija jedan odličan izvor za sticanje novih znanja, te kroz svoje mentorske programe, razne stipendije, kongrese i sastanke pruža dosta prilika za razmjenu iskustava i rađanje novih prijateljstava. Naša tri studenta su iznimo sretna i zahvalna fondaciji što pažljivo prati njihov rad i trud te ih ujedno podstiče za dalji napredak.

Ako uzmemo u obzir studente koji su prije dobijali ovu stipenidju, vrijedi istaknuti da je Tarik Ibrahimpašić, također naš stipendista, prethodno ljeto odradio tromjesečnu praksu u oblasti bežične širokopojasne komunikacije u IHP Microlectronics institutu u Frankfurtu na Odri, a sve to u sklopu stipendije njemačke vlade za zemlje zapadnog Balkana. Praksa mu se zasnivala na programiranju koda za algoritam estimacije smijera dolaska signala na softverski definiranom radiju (SDR).

Drugim studentima savjetujemo da konstantno rade na unapređivanju sebe i svojih vještina, te da koriste svaku priliku da nauče nešto novo.


Students of the BH Futures Foundation received Zoran Đinđić Scholarship of the German Business

The fact is that our students are very active in science and academia and therefore we often have the opportunity to read beautiful stories about their successes and achievements. This time, it is a pleasure to share information that our two students, Semir Salkić and Nermin Đuzić, are winners of this year's scholarship called "Internship Program of German Business", organized by the Foundation "Zoran Đinđić", which offers the summer practice in Germany and is intended for students from the countries of the Western Balkan. Out of a total of 1220 applicants, our two students have been selected among 75 young people who will have the opportunity for professional development in the period from 3 to 6 months starting from July this year.

Their advice to all students is to be proactive and inclusive. In addition, persistence always pays off, and if we have ever received a rejection, we do not need to be discouraged, but shall do our best to gain the necessary qualities and fulfill the criteria for applying again.

What is the most important in writing such applications?

The most important things are the vision we have, the power we get and the goal we set to fulfill. The process and selection rounds require individuals who have met their personality and such candidates are expected to be able to actively transfer knowledge in their countries of origin. Selection Board checks whether students are able to present their own wishes, work, beliefs and long-term plans. All these are integral indicators that signal the readiness of individual candidates.

Where are you going and what will you do?

We are currently in the process of preparing documentation for companies.  Once candidates are shortlisted, companies choose the right students for the practice that match the profile they are looking for. Semir Salkic has chosen the IoT industry, while on the other hand, Nermin Đuzić plans to improve his knowledge in the field of bioinformatics and hopes that perhaps what he will be doing there in a couple of months could be beneficial in writing his Master Thesis.

Something about a foundation?

Students emphasize that the BH Futures Foundation is an excellent source for acquiring new knowledge. Through its mentoring programs, various scholarships, congresses, and meetings, it provides many opportunities for sharing experiences and creating new friendships. Our two students are exceptionally happy and grateful to the Foundation, that carefully monitors their work and effort, and at the same time encourages them to make further progress.

Additionally, It is worth of mentioning that Tarik Ibrahimpašić, who is also a member of our Foundation, had the opportunity to attend the  three-month-long internship in Germany, where he worked in the field of wireless broadband communication at the IHP Microelectronics Institute in Frankfurt in the Oder, that was covered by the  "Internship Program of German Business" for the countries of the Western Balkans. His internship was based on programming the code for the algorithm for estimating the signal arrival direction coming from a software defined radio (SDR).

We advise other students to constantly work on improving themselves and their skills and to use every opportunity to learn something new.

Eddie Custovic