Students are our Greatest Treasure - Klokotnica Primary School


Irena Hukić - Studenti su naše najveće blago

"Zrno po zrno pogača, Kamen po kamen palača, Sunce – domaća zadaća – Djeca su vojska najjača!"

Kada volite djecu bilo cija da su, onda radite sve sto je u vasoj moci da oni budu sretni. Djeciji osmjeh nema cijenu, ali su djeca cesto zapostavljena upravo zbog nekih materijalnih stvari. Ucenici i nastavnici OS "Klokotnica" ove godine su imali dosta problema prilikom izvodjenja nastave. Nije bilo moguce zagrijati skolske prostorije, zbog dotrajale stolarije i nedostatka uglja. Nastava se izvodila skraceno, a za to vrijeme ucenici su sjedili u skolskim klupama sa punom zimskom opremom. Zahvaljujuci menadzmentu nase skole i nasoj Direktorici Senadi Dzanic, koji su imali zelju, volju i entuzijazam krenuli smo svi zajednicki u rijesavanje problema. "Zrno po zrno pogaca" Molili smo dobre ljude za pomoc i radili na prodajnom sajmu zajedno sa ucenicima i njihovim roditeljima. Gospodin Edhem Eddi Custovic je prepoznao nas pozitivan duh i na svoj nacin preko BH Futures Fondation dao svoj doprinos i na taj nacin postao nas dragi prijatelj. Ovim putem zelimo da zahvalimo BH Futures Fondation sto je dio nase price, a posebna nam je cast imati za prijatelje tako sposobne i talentovane ljude kao sto su Eddi Custovic, Aleksandar Mastilovic i Belma Telalovic. Jos jednom od srca vam hvala i nadamo se da ce neki od nasih ucenika krenuti vasim stopama. “Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur – Pravi se prijatelj poznaje u nevolji.” Latinska izreka.

Irena Hukic - Students are our Greatest Treasure

"Grain by grain, you gain bread. Rock by rock, you make a castle. Sun & homework - children are our strongest army!"

When you love children, regardless of their heritage, only then do you do everything to the best of your ability to make sure that they are happy. A child’s smile, has no price, but they are easily forgotten when it comes to material possessions. The students from ‘Klokotnica’ primary school, have encountered numerous problems in regard to attending their normal classes. The school could not heat up the classrooms during winter, due to the poor condition of the windows and doors that allow warm air to escape and the shortage of coal. Lessons had to be shortened, whilst the students sat at their tables, clothed in their full winter gear. Thankfully the management of the school as well as the principal, Senada Dzanic, had a wish and willingness to solve the issue, so with enthusiasm we began working together to find a solution to our problems. ‘Grain by grain, you gain bread’, we asked good people to help us and we worked together with the students and their parents to organise a school fair to raise funds that would help us repair the school windows and doors. Mr. Custovic recognised the positive efforts and through BH Futures Foundation donated to the school. We would like to take this opportunity to thank BH Futures Foundation for their donation and to appreciate our friends, the capable and talented individuals Eddie Custovic, Aleksandar Mastilovic and Belma Telalovic. We hope that our students will one day follow your footsteps to success. “Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur – A friend in need is a friend indeed .” Latin Idiom.

Aleksandar Mastilović - Report sa posjete

Da BH Futures Foundation ima u fokusu različite grupe mladih ljudi u fokusu dokazuje i naša posjeta 14.04.2017.godine JU OŠ Klokotnica – Doboj Istok. Klokotnica je dokazana kao zajednica koja posebnu pažnju poklanja svojim najmlađim i entuzijazam koji pokazuje osoblje ove škole na čelu sa direktoricom Senadom Džanić i nastavnicom Irenom Hukić koje su nas kontaktirale sa molbom da i najmlađe ne zaboravimo u našim aktivnostima. BH Futues Foundation se prethodno informisala o objektivnom stanju u samoj školi i potrebama škole za opremom radi unaprijeđenja nastavnog procesa i kvaliteta obrazovanja. Ono što je posebno ostavilo utisak na BHFF je proaktivnost zajednice u Klokotnici koja već duži vremenski period organizuje akcije za skupljanje novca za potrebe škole, pa smo se iz prve ruke upoznali sa njihovim akcija u formi sajmova učeničkih radova, radnih akcija u organizaciji roditelja djece koja pohađaju ovu školu kao i drugi niz aktivnosti koju je zajednica organizovala sama sa manjom ili većom podrškom lokalnih vlasti. BH Futures Foundation je ovom prilikom dodijela donaciju školi u formi multifunkcionalnog kopir aparata, koju su lično uručili članovi Upravnog odbora BH Futures Foundation Maja Hadžiselimović i Aleksandar Mastilović. Zahvlanost i osmjesi učenika ove škole je najbolje i najljepše hvala koje može dobiti BH Futures Foundation kao i podstrek za buduće aktivnosti i akcije koje će se pokrenuti sa ciljem promocije nauke i tehnologije, unapređenja obrazovanja na svim nivoima sa posebnim fokusom na individualna dostignuća talentovanih učenika i studenata u BiH .

Aleksandar Mastilović - Report from the visit to Klokotnica P.S.

BH Futures Foundation focuses on various groups of young people as our visit to Klokotnica Primary (Elementary) school in Doboj Istok on the 14.04.2017 indicates. Klokotnica has been recognised as a community that dedicates exceptional attention to it’s youngest members and this enthusiasm was demonstrated by principal Senada Dzanic and teacher Irena Hukic, who contacted BH Futures Foundation with an appeal to remember their students in our foundation’s activities. BH Futures Foundation gained information about the state of affairs at the school and its needs for equipment to improve the teaching process and the quality of education, which they offer to their students. What really impressed BH Futures Foundation members, was the proactive community in Klokotnica that had been organising campaigns to collect funds for school for a long time before contacting the foundation. We were familiarised with their school fair activities, where students sold their hand-made art, parents participated in the sale of this hand-made art and the greater or lesser support of local authorities. To aid the students in raising further funds, BH Futures Foundation donated a multifunctional copier, handed to students by members of the Board - Maja Hadžiselimović and Alexander Mastilović. The smiles of the students are the best and most beautiful appreciation that BH Futures Foundation could receive! Their happiness will be our incentive for future activities and actions that will be initiated with the aim of promoting science and technology, improving education at all levels and focusing on the individual achievements of talented students in BiH.